Station East to provide accessibility, green space for Nashville residents

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) — Nashville's newest neighborhood may just be a breath of fresh air for residents and visitors alike.
Five years ago, The RMR group began implementing a plan to revitalize the East Bank area of Nashville with an exciting redevelopment.
Now, Nashville’s newest neighborhood is on the horizon: Station East.
Not only is this neighborhood envisioned to be bustling with activity, but an opportunity for Nashville residents and visitors to have a space to unwind.
With the business of modern life and often isolated nature of post-pandemic life, Station East may be just what Nashvillians need: a space for community, connection, and calm.
With green space and accessibility, Nashville residents and visitors will be able to enrich their health and vitality by being able to walk more and experience nature.
While the project has not fully come to fruition yet, the engine is already going.
According to Jesse Abair, Vice President of Real Estate Development at the The RMR Group,
"Initial entitlements from the city are all together and the current master plan is fully compliant with approvals they have."
The development group has made sure that the plans for Station East match up with the City of Nashville’s vision for the area as well. Much of the city’s vision comes from data contracted from a recent planning study. The study includes the Imagine East Bank vision plan, an Imagine East Bank Executive Summary, draft vision plan survey results, an errata sheet, and an interactive story map.
Abair says,
"First and foremost the public needs to understand that the Station East is a direct reflection is what the city wants to happen in the East Bank area. It reflects their vision and the planning study that focuses on public benefits and that will be public facing and unlock accessibility. The development is carefully curated for what the city’s image and vision is for East Bank."
The RMR Group has owned the East Bank site for decades and has recently wanting to make strategic use of the land based on what is most politically and economically viable for the area.
Now that plans are compliant with the city, the development group is reaching out to potential vendors. They are currently connecting with possible tenants and users of the space. Working with the city and important stakeholders like the Titans and Oracle are crucial pieces of focus at the moment as well.
The RMR Group envisions its tenants to be members of the space that make Station East a place that is alive with activity, morning through night. Pop up retail elements could be another facet of the 3 acres of open space. Besides food and drink options for consumers, Station East has the potential for a large scale corporate headquarters.
The development group understands that the world is now in a 'post-pandemic' era, and that work life has changed to be more collaborative and open. Thus, the hope is that the three large office buildings will be appealing to modern-day office workings who are craving a variety of amenities, flexible workspaces, and the ability to collaborative with others.
In addition to bringing in business and even tourism, the revitalization of the area will give back to Nashville residents. Abair says that a large amount of time was spent to make sure there was plenty of open and green space that is accessible. This type of environment is crucial for the health of Nashvillians, as studies show that green space is essential for human wellbeing. Additionally, research also shows that people who live in walkable areas tend to get more exercise.
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